Only 1 hour from Nice, Rimplas is a real sentinel of the valley to count on its territory the very first fort of the Maginot line.
Located at an altitude of 1000m, the village is in the heart of the Mercantour National Park.
Many hikes are accessible from the heart of the Bourg to take you to Mont Giraud at 2606 meters after passing through the site of the Rimplas cow farms or the Millefonds lakes.
Taking the time to walk the 22 streets of the village, each more bucolic than the other, will also allow you to discover the works of art of Serge Doglio, artist of the village.
Entirely flowered in summer or entirely decorated during the end-of-year celebrations, Rimplas will quickly become one of your must-see destinations.
Historical context of the activities offered at Fort de la Madeleine:
The Maginot line owes its name to André Maginot, Minister of War who obtained funding to fortify from 1930 to 1935, the borders ranging from Belgium to Italy via Germany and Switzerland. This Maginot line is characterized by a succession of concrete blocks connected by underground passages whose entrances are dedicated for the passage of infantry and ammunition.
The main mission of these fortresses was to spot surprise attacks coming in particular from Italy and Germany. Indeed, relations with Germany and Italy have been strained since the end of the First World War, especially with the rise of Nazism and Fascism.
France wanted to save time and lives in the event of an attack. The Maginot Line would slow down the attackers and allow the mobilization of French troops, but would also serve as a base to launch a counter-offensive. Above all, it would force the Germans to pass through Belgium and Switzerland, which would protect French territory from fighting.
Fort de la Madeleine in Rimplas is the first of its generation, it is the model that has been copied and improved in its architecture, structure and operation. Built on several levels, it incorporates a complex command and defense system aimed at monitoring and securing the Tinée and Valdeblore valleys.
Italy declared war on France on June 10 and seems to be preparing for a mass attack on the borders. The 84th Alpine Fortress Battalion (BAF) and the 167th Position Artillery Regiment are positioned in Fort de la Madeleine, on alert. The border, at that time, was less than 5 km from the structure. Between Isola and Valabres, at the outlet of the Mollières valley, the border ran along the road.
More info by email at fortrimplas@alpha-loup.com
Reopening Spring 2025
Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Access Information
3 route de la Madeleine
La Colmiane
Prévente Forfaits de Ski La Colmiane
Le Boréon
Le Parc Alpha
La Colmiane
Pedestrian transport La Colmiane chairlift
PASS DECOUVERTE 13 ans et + à partir de 29€ La Colmiane
PASS DECOUVERTE 3-5 ans à partir de 24€ La Colmiane
PASS DECOUVERTE 6-12 à partir de 24€ La Colmiane
Le Boréon
Station Trail
Turini Camp d'Argent
Vésùbia Mountain Park
Parcours Aventure & Grimpe ludique
Journée Multi-Activités 9 - 15 ans
Journée Multi-Activités 6 - 8 ans
Valdeblore Swimming Pool
Fort of Rimplas
Activité en réalité virtuelle Rimplas
Package Escape Game + Activité en réalité virtuelle Rimplas
Bassin biologique de Roquebillère
Pure Montagne® is a brand developed by the joint union for the development of valleys of Vésubie and Valdeblore