Terms and Conditions of sale



The online sale of E-tickets on the Pure Montagne ticketing website is exclusively aimed at individuals. By using https://www.puremontagne.fr/billetterie you undertake to use it as a physical person for entirely private purposes. 
These current terms and conditions for sale online ("CGV") are exclusively designed to control the totality of relations between Pure Montagne, the mark of the mixed syndicate for the development of the valley of Vésubie and of Valdeblore whose registered office is at :
CADAM - 147 Bd du Mercantour - BP 3007 - 06201 Nice Cedex3
Tél. +33 (0)4 97 18 73 34

and their clients as defined hereunder. 
The present Terms and Conditions will apply to the exclusion of any other document, with the exception of specific conditions of sale that may apply to a particular event. If such conditions exist it will be made clear on the presentation page of the Event.. 

The fact of proceeding to a Reservation or Pre-reservation on the ticketing site for Pure Montagne implies full adherence and acceptance of these present CGV, which each client expressly recognises. For this reason, each client gives up the right to rely on any document that contradicts its terms.
  Pure Montagne reserves to itself at any time the right to modify all or any part of the CGV. Clients are therefore invited to regularly familiarise themselves with CGV which are permanently accessible by following the link http://www.puremontagne.fr/cgv. 
The applicable CGV are those in force at the date your reservation is validated. 


« Pure Montagne» refers you to its internet site at http://www.puremontagne.fr/billetterie accessible on SmartPhones, tablets and all other device that enables the reception, consultation and use of the communication services to the public online, together with the functionality of such services 'downloading, consultation, etc...) wherever might be its principal destination (France or Elsewhere). 
"Ticket" means the official document in a system of ticketing, that corresponds to a right and which shows proof that the client, who is the bearer of it, is permitted to enter within the area where the Event will take place. 
"Client" means any person using the Services of the online ticketing service of Pure Montagne, as an individual member of the public and for exclusively private purposes; 
"Personal Details" means your name, postal address, e-mail, telephone number, your connection details, and more generally any data concerning you of a personal nature under French law in force at the time and which is collected by virtue of the use of the of PureMontagne online ticketing site; 
"Event" means the day spend in the park, the shows, or such other leisure event open to the public, which is produced or organised by Pure Montagne; 
"Reservation" means any firm and definitive E-ticket order made on the Site ; 


According to the day selected, you are permitted to continue to a firm Reservation. In these circumstances you don’t have to create an account on the Pure Montagne site.  
In order to purchase an E-ticket, you need to fill in an information form for the chosen date, the number of people concerned and their ages, an email address will be required so the E-ticket may be sent to you so it may be printed 
Your order become firm and definitive, you obtain an E-ticket which is sent to you by email ; a single ticket is delivered per Reservation. 
No modification or cancellation of your reservation can be carried out. The E-ticket may not be reimbursed even in case of theft or loss. The E-ticket may be neither taken back, nor exchanged. 
You should print the E-ticket and present it to the staff on the till on the chosen day. 
When you print the E-ticket, you should verify that the printing shows all the essential elements to pass through the automatic barrier for ticket identification. 


In accordance with 12° of article L 221-28 of the Code de la consommation, you have no right of withdrawal. 


The purchase module for E-Tickets automatically assigns you a reserved place for the day that you have chosen. There are different tarifs: adults, children and family packs. The price includes VAT. The purchase of places is exclusively available by bank card on the site. 
Online sales are only available to adults.
Online sales are exclusively available to holders of a valid personal bank card issued by a banking organisation from within the European Union and established in a European territory. .
Online sales are available to clients resident in the territory indicated.

The bank account of the purchaser will be immediately debited to the value of the total of places, inclusive of all charges, in euros ; following verification of the card’s data, on receipt of authorisation of the debit by the issuing bank for the card that you use. 
By communicating the information relative to your bank card, you authorise Pure Montagne to debit your card with the sum corresponding to the All Inclusive Price. In this respect you are declaring that you are the title bearer of the bank card to be debited and that the name shown on the card is your own. 
Should the debiting of the All Inclusive Price be impossible, the online sale is immediately and legally cancelled and the Reservation cancelled. 
All payments effected on the E-Ticket site of Pure Montagne are secured via our payment agent, the Banque LCL which, alone, knows your bank details. Moreover, to protect you from fraud, your bank may ask for an identification code to check that you are indeed the owner of the bank card used. 
All validated orders become firm and final . Any modification or cancellation of purchase is impossible.


Each coded ticket (E-Ticket) is supplied in the form of a PDF file with a bar code giving access on the selected day.
  In case of loss, theft or duplication of a valid ticket, only the first person holding the ticket can have access to the event. The purchaser remains responsible for the use made of their E-Tickets. 
You should check before choosing the E-Ticket ’option that you have equipment that is capable of adequately printing the PDF file that will be supplied.
This ticket is only valid if it is printed in Black & White or Colour on white A4 paper,, otherwise blank on both sides, without modification of the print size in portrait format (vertical) with an inkjet or laser printer ; No other format (electronic, PC screen, mobile phone screen…) is accepted. 
The tickets should be well printed. Tickets that are only partially printed, stained or dirty, damaged or illegible will not be accepted and considered as invalid. If you get a bad print quality copy, you should reprint your coded ticket so as to achieve an acceptable quality. 
This ticket may be neither exchanged, nor reimbursed.  This coded ticket is only valid for the place and date detailed thereon. For all other uses, this ticket is invalid. You should keep this ticket with you during your entire stay at the site. 


You declare that you understand perfectly the characteristics and limitations of the internet, by which Pure Montagne makes available the ticketing site for E-Tickets. 

You therefore understand that 
(i) the transmission of data on the Internet is only partially reliable technically, as they circulate on the internet through separate networks with different technical characteristics and capacities, which may become saturated at certain times of the day ; 
(ii) data circulating on the Internet is not protected against misuse, and may be the object of information capture and 
(iii) that it is impossible to control the use that may be made by third parties on the Internet. 
As a result Pure Montagne cannot be responsible for any such acts or events cited above. Pure Montagne is absolved of any responsibility for acts beyond its control, such as especially the malfunctioning of internet access, of telephone lines, of material preventing or disrupting the use of the Site. 


The present Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French Law. In the event of litigation, French courts will be deemed sole competents. 


For any information or question, you may contact
  • Pure Montagne wishes you a happy fall !

Pure Montagne® is a brand developed by the joint union for the development of valleys of Vésubie and Valdeblore